Barwa / Smeet Precast Factory in Messaieed - Qatar Package 2 – Electrical Substations
The project consists of Three Major Factories having a total Built-up Area of approx. 74,000 square meters and a major water tank of approx. 5,000 cubic meters.
“Package 2 – Electrical Substations” consists of 2 Electrical Substations (11/0.4 KV, including 2 x HV switchgear, 4 Nos Transformer: 2x1600kVA + 1x1000kVA + 1x500kVA , 4 Nos MV panels, 4 Nos Diesel Generators: 2X1600kVA + 1x1000kVA + 1x500kVA) and complete 11kV cable network (approx. 1,600meters) to interconnect them through-out the development and to connect the receiving sub-station to MIC Primary Sub-station.
About The Project
Project Title: Barwa / Smeet Precast Factory in Messaieed - Qatar Package 2 – Electrical Substations
Project Category: Industrial Projects
Owner: Barwa / Smeet
Consultant: GEIC
Status: Completed